The International Committee for the Banner of Peace

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Presentation of the Banner of Peace to Iberica de Luz, Spain

Over the days of July 6, 7 and 8 in Malaga (Spain), we have celebrated the Tenth Gathering of the Iberian Network of Light.

The Iberian Network of Light holds embraces and comprises a number of groups and individuals from Spain and Portugal whose ideal it is to contribute to the development of human beings in every level of their existence, providing for and assisting in their personal and spiritual development.

Our hearts beat strongly still with our recent experiences here — what we have heard, shared, embraced, meditated on, danced, and breathed during these days of Gathering — all beneath the Sacred Symbol of the Peace Flag.

The Tenth Gathering of the Iberian Network of Light began with the presentation by Dr. Alicia Rodriguez, President of the International Banner of Peace Committee, of the beautiful honour of the Peace Flag, which on this occasion was an embroidered gift from our brothers in the Pueblo Magico (Magic Village) of Bernal, in Queretaro, Mexico.

The reception was dominated by the emotions of the attendees, who came from the various and distant corners of Spain, and by the longing for peace which we, as labourers of the Light, have planted in our hearts.

To the musical chords of ”La Missión” (The Mission), souls vibrated with emotion at the entrance of the Peace Flag, carried by Dr. Alicia Rodriguez, President of the Non-Government International Organization of the United Nations — in silence, eyes fixed attentively and respectfully, with great devotion and admiration for this Sacred Symbol — surprising and filling hearts with abundant love for humanity.

In the Presidium, the coordinator of the Iberian Network of Light, D. Koldo Aldai, and the organizers of the Tenth Gathering, Dr. Carlos Espinosa Manso and Dame Francisca Raya, with quiet calm and elevated spiritual emotion, drew near to the Peace Flag, as at this time the Flag was to be presented to the Iberian Network of Light in Spain.

To explain the profound, very special, and spiritual sensation that filled my being as I received the Banner of Peace from the hands of Dr. Alicia Rodriguez on behalf of the entire Iberian Network of Light is humanly impossible. It transcends all word and expression. The —Yes, I accept,— with regard to the task of caring for the Symbol of the Peace Flag throughout the entire Spanish territory, filled my heart with pride, but at the same time a sense of tremendous responsibility. How happily I assumed the promise to work for Peace — a promise also joyously assumed by all participants in the Iberian Network.

I promise that care of the Peace Flag in Spain will be firmly established and that we will work to further the Culture of Peace in every environment and carry Professor Roerich’s message to all corners of Spain.

With the presentation of the Banner of Peace, the Gathering filled with peace and harmony. With everyone standing as a sign of profound respect for the Peace Flag, gallantly lead by D. Ernesto Evangelista and Domingo Ferrero, we closed the Tenth Gathering with great enthusiasm and satisfaction, amidst tears of emotion and loving farewell embraces.

May the Peace Flag continue to guide our steps and strengthen our will as we search for personal peace and peace for our Planet Earth.

Dr. Carlos Espinosa Manso

Translated into English by
Carolyn Kinsman


Presentation of the Banner of Peace to Iberica de Luz, Spain.

Presentation of the Banner of Peace to Iberica de Luz, Spain.
Presentation of the Banner of Peace to Iberica de Luz, Spain. Presentation of the Banner of Peace to Iberica de Luz, Spain.
Presentation of the Banner of Peace to Iberica de Luz, Spain. Presentation of the Banner of Peace to Iberica de Luz, Spain.


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Alianz Comunidad Estudiantil
70-th anniversary of the Banner of Peace in Saint Petersburg, Russia
Alicia Rodríguez Answers Our Questions
Educational Program for a Culture of Peace
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Dr. Alicia Rodriguez, the President of the Banner of Peace International Committee Visits Altai, Rusia
Remembering the Presentation of the Banner of Peace to the 14th Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India
Presentation of the Banner of Peace to Guanajuato State, Mexico
Presentation of the Banner of Peace to Iberica de Luz, Spain
Presentation of the Banner of Peace to the Catholic Church in the Cathedral of Mexico City
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The Banner of Peace in Magic Bernal Stone Summit-Queretaro
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The Beautiful City of La Paz in Baja California Sur, Receives the International Banner of Peace
The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles
The Visit of Dr. Alicia Rodriguez to Ecuador
Presentation of the Banner of Peace to People and Governement of Querétaro, Mexico [pps, 6,5 Mb]

© Alicia Rodríguez, 2005—2010, site content © Gai Sever, 2005—2010, site development

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