The International Committee for the Banner of Peace

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The International Commitee
Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles

There are moments in life, which I would want never forget. In this case in a simple but touchy ceremony, the highest honor of the International Committee of the Banner of Peace, a non governamental organization of the United Nations, was awarded: the NICHOLAS ROERICH MEDAL.

José Argüelles, is a writer, decoder of the Maya Calendar, creator of the Dreamspell, beginner of the proposal to celebrate the Earth Day, since 1970 and a promoter of the 1987 Harmonic Convergence.

With his fruitful work he has given World reconnaissance to the Maya Calendar. Thousands of followers admire him.

Simplicity is one of his many qualities.

In the ceremony were his closest friends, according to his desire: his wife Sthephanie (Red Queen), Alberto Ruz, Pedro Hernández and Sol Corona, Luis Zavala, Jorge Mora, Pilar Gallego, Gustavo Ochoa, Tiahoga Ruge and Catalina Ortiz Monasterio.  The ceremony took place in the private oratorium or ashram of Dra. Rodríguez, and started with an indian ceremony with sea shell´s music or atecocolli, loudly sounding.

Pedro Hernández, was in charge of the prayer to the 7 galactic places, and  Sol played the ceremony drum. Everything was peace and respect.

 Dra. Rodríguez, voice of the International Committee, welcomed everybody and gave the highest honor that this institution awards to José Argüelles.

Deeply emotioned and tears in his eyes José said: “I feel that this was meanted since thousand of years ago.”

Deep meaning in these words. “To me, this is the climax of my life. To receive this recognition, the Roerich medal, has been an accomplishment in this  time of my life, to promote the Banner of Peace.”

He remembered that when he was 6 years old, the terrible Hiroshima atomic explosion occurred and even then being a young boy, cried many hours because of that fact which was printed in his heart. This event provoqued an openning of consciousness at the early age about the need to live and work for peace.

Years later, when he was an Art History professor, in a visit to the Roerich Museum in New York was in touch with the story of the Roerich Pacto and the Banner of Peace, he thought that it was the right way to achieve World Peace so he decided to take this Flag to all his speeches and conferences.

Many years have passed and he has taken this symbol since then.

After José´s words, Alicia Rodríguez recited the Banner of Peace  “Credo”,  masterly written by Dr. Emma Godoy. She said that when Emma Godoy received the Flag, on March 21st, 19886, she was on her wheel chair, incapable to walk. When Alicia approached to give Emma the flag, suddenly and miraculously, Emma raised up and left her wheel chair for the rest of her life.

Dr. Godoy, was so shocked by the strength of the Symbol that it was enough to recover the harmony instantaneously and became healthy again, so she wanted to give Humankind the Credo to the Banner,  so living the message, we could live in peace. This legacy may be to revise in:

José y Alicia,  fused their souls in an embrace, which joined them for eternity. The magical moment illuminated the sacred place. And when saying goodbye, José, whispered to her: “Dear Alicia: we are Brother and Sister for ever”,  Alicia, repplied: “Yes, we are, I will quote Frances Grant, who once wrote to me:



The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles

The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles
The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles
The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles
The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles
The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles
The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles
The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles




Treaty Roerich
Alianz Comunidad Estudiantil
70-th anniversary of the Banner of Peace in Saint Petersburg, Russia
Alicia Rodríguez Answers Our Questions
Educational Program for a Culture of Peace
Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Roerich Pact and the Banner of Peace in Russia
Dr. Alicia Rodriguez, the President of the Banner of Peace International Committee Visits Altai, Rusia
Remembering the Presentation of the Banner of Peace to the 14th Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India
Presentation of the Banner of Peace to Guanajuato State, Mexico
Presentation of the Banner of Peace to Iberica de Luz, Spain
Presentation of the Banner of Peace to the Catholic Church in the Cathedral of Mexico City
Presentation of the Banner of Piece to the Siberian Roerich Society
The Banner of Peace in Magic Bernal Stone Summit-Queretaro
The Boat Zamná will take the Banner of Peace around the World
The Beautiful City of La Paz in Baja California Sur, Receives the International Banner of Peace
The International Commitee Gives the Roerich Medal to José Argüelles
The Visit of Dr. Alicia Rodriguez to Ecuador
Presentation of the Banner of Peace to People and Governement of Querétaro, Mexico [pps, 6,5 Mb]

© Alicia Rodríguez, 2005—2009, site content © Gai Sever, 2005—2009, site development

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