The International Committee for the Banner of Peace

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Dr. Alicia Rodriguez, President of the International Committe
for the Banner of Peace

Alicia Rodríguez

Dr. Alicia Rodriguez, President of the International Committe for the Banner of Peace, a United Nations non-governmental organization, is one of the most prestigious actresses in Mexico. She was awarded the ”Ariel Cinematrografico” (highest Mexican cinematography award) and was named Best Television Actress in Mexico nine times.

Dr. Rodriguez brings together in her person the dual facets of artist and human being.

With her mission as President of the International Committe for the Banner of Peace, she has traveled much of the planet, creating consciousness of the urgent need we have for living in peace and harmony. She has been untiring in her labors, speaking at hundreds of conferences in different parts of the world, sharing the message of the illustrious artist, Nicolas Roerich, and the significance of the Banner of Peace. She has delivered more than 3,000 Flags in solemn ceremonies to organizations that embrace the philosophy of Peace and that have adopted the ”Together We Build Peace” program (

She has written books that are real tools to help people achieve interior Peace, possibly the most important of which are ”Encuentra tu mision” (Find Your Mission) and ”Transformate en Bandera de la Paz” (Turn Yourself into a Banner of Peace), from Alom Editores ( In the latter, we find the key to transforming our very existence, applying the symbol of the Banner of Peace to our lives and surrounding ourselves with harmony and the fundamental elements of the ”Together We Build Peace” program. This program now involves 250,000 children in the Mexican northern state of Coahuila.

Because of her pro-Peace work over 22 years, Dr. Rodriguez was the first Mexican woman to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

The International Committee

Dr. Alicia Rodriguez, President of the International Committe for the Banner of Peace

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